An anointed, called and chosen Servant-Leader who is an ordained minister of God’s, the same as all of God’s people, is blessed and favored with individual, specific, and specialized gifts and talents to serve as predestined by God! But the ordained, licensed and assigned Servant-Leader is to serve…not be served as the head…to help the Body of Christ draw nearer to God…lead those who need to be led to be Believers…be a bridge of connecting the Body in building in relationship with the community to be a beaconing light of service in and outside of the walls of the physical meeting place! It’s all starts with being Relational not transactional!
God’s Servant-Leaders with the title of “pastor” are to learn the body through being relational…communicate and partaking…to help the body discover, recognize and tap into their gifts and talents to utilize…developing and growing! The Servant-Leader is to navigate in selecting leaders in establishing teamwork…to assist to motivate, orchestrate the body with the proper planning and implementation…ensuring successfully achieving, accomplishing and the fulfillment of visions...creating teamwork making the dreams work…and then the continuous work of maintaining ongoing improvement and progress... of the people...for the people and the community as a whole! Relational vs. transactional…!
Being the ordained, licensed assigned Servant-Leader of God’s isn’t about standing in the pulpit preaching and profiting…you are to pastor the people…be a Servant-Leader of real service…visit the sick, encourage, inspire, uplift…not tear down…divide and conquer! An anointed ordained Servant-Leader of God’s is about being Relational vs. transitional! In being “Relational” the accomplishment and fulfillment of God’s Work will naturally come…even if sometimes the Servant-Leader; actually being a part of “The Body”, has to physically join in with “The Body” and get their hands dirty…it shall come to pass! It’s all about being “Relational”! Building proper relationships brings about proper transactions!
Focusing on transactions…is only a temporary gain…no one truly wins…and the people will soon perish…! Placing physical transactions above building spiritual and meaningful physical relationships is why the doors of “the church” are closing! The time has come to rediscover God’s Gift of being Relational versus man’s personal gain of being transactional!